Creative Branding and Website Design that Delights & Converts

I help you uncover your brand’s unique charm and translate it into a memorable brand that resonates with your audience.

I know how it feels..

You’ve got big dreams for your business.

But your dreams are often followed by a tightness in your chest. It feels like something isn’t quite aligned. The truth is, your value and expertise are being diluted by your brand. Unlock your new stage of growth with artistic and strategic branding that communicates the quality and value you offer.

My content and clients have been featured in...

Meet Rebecca Brown, the gal behind Daisy Creative Co.

I believe your business should be filled with purpose and profit. But, it won’t happen by accident.

For me, pursuing design was never a choice. From the second I could hold a crayon, art felt like a soul-led calling.

Starting a business felt the exact same way. But, after launching my business online, I quickly learned passion will only get you so far. It wasn’t until I got strategic with my mindset, education, and brand that I started to see the growth I’d been working so hard for.

Since then, I’ve been seeking ways to help like-minded entrepreneurial women grow their own brands⸺ with beauty and intention.

Now Booking Fall 2024

Now Booking Fall 2024

Get Started

Start your journey by filling out the form below. Then, check your email for a private link to book your free discovery call. We’ll chat about your business, your vision, and discuss your best options to make it all happen.

“I loved working with Rebecca! She did such an amazing job helping me clarify and articulate the vision I had for my brand. It was so helpful having her support in the process as well as we sifted through different options and came up with all the design concepts. She really understood what I wanted and was able to bring my vision to life even better than I imagined. I'm so excited to relaunch my personal brand and podcast with the new look!”

Hannah Hughes,

Host, The By Words Show