10 Ways to Get Your Next Client

photo by Kelsie Vissa

In the beginning stages of your business, finding clients can feel nearly impossible. But, even seasoned business owners can struggle with low leads from time to time.

In this blog post, we'll explore ten effective strategies to help you find your next client. I would recommend revisiting this list monthly until your leads become more consistent.

Finally, the only “magical” way to book a client is by being persistent! Stay consistent, keep providing value, and your efforts will pay off.

1. Clear Calls-to-Action

The first way to get your next client may seem obvious, but it's often overlooked. It’s simply to ask for the sale. Then, make it as easy as possible for your clients to take the next step.

You can do this on social media or in an email newsletter with a clear call to action. Here are some examples:

  • Want to work with me this Fall? Apply now with the link in my bio!

  • Ready to get your dream brand by Summer? Comment “brand” below and I’ll send you the link to apply now.

  • Now booking Winter 2025. [ Book Now Button ]

2. Run a Promotion

Try running a promotion for your email list subscribers. This could be a small discount or an added bonus that you include with your services.

You can also tease this promo to your Instagram followers as a way to build your email list.

3. Share Your Availability

The next way to get a client is to share your current openings. Often, salons or spas will share their last-minute openings with an A-frame sign outside of their door. You can do the equivalent of this by sharing a graphic of your availability on social media.

The trick here is to create a little scarcity around your openings. So if you need to book your last spot for March, show the three spots available and then fill in two to show you’re in demand.

4. Ask Previous Clients

Don’t hesitate to ask your previous clients for referrals. They already know the value you bring, and if they were satisfied with your service, they’ll likely be happy to recommend you to others.

Send a friendly email thanking them for their past business and ask if they know anyone who might benefit from your services.

In your email, include a link to your website. If your website is professional and up-to-date, past clients can easily share the link along to anyone they think may be a good fit.

5. Get active on Social Media

TikTok, Instagram, and Threads are powerful tools for reaching potential clients. Make sure you’re actively posting and engaging on these platforms. Share valuable content, and connect and engage with your dream clients.

6. Reach Out to Dream Clients

After you’ve engaged with your dream clients on social media for a couple of months, don’t be afraid to reach out to them directly via DM or email.

Craft a personalized message that highlights why you admire their work and how you can help them achieve their goals.

7. Reach Out to Old Leads

Follow up with any old leads. Sometimes all it takes is a simple reminder to spark interest.

Send a personalized email or message reminding them of your services and any new offerings you might have. Include examples of recent branding or website design projects to showcase your latest work and inspire interest.

8. Be Helpful

Never underestimate the value of sharing your expertise and advice. When people trust you or get a quick win from your advice, they’re more likely to book with you. You can do this by sharing valuable content or hosting an “ask me anything” on social media so potential clients can get your advice.

9. Try Something New

Test out a new service and offer an exclusive discount for a few clients who are willing to give it a try. This not only helps you refine the new service but also shows your adaptability and innovation.

Consider launching a new branding package or a website redesign service. Highlight the benefits of these new offerings in your promotions.

10. Let Friends and Family Know

The last way to get your next client is to let your friends and family know you’re looking for new clients. To keep this feeling low pressure, let them know you’re hoping to connect with potential clients.

Format a text or an email that explains the type of client you’re looking for and the specific service you’re offering. Then, make sure to send them a link they can share with anyone who may be interested.

As a final thought, if you’re trying all these methods and your leads still feel few and far-between, it may be time to evaluate your branding, messaging and website. Often, poor branding, or a poor website experience can turn clients off without them even considering the value of your services.

If you’re interested in learning more about how I can help your business thrive, apply to work with me here.


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